Source code for k2hr3_osnl.cfg

# -*- coding: utf-8 -*-
# K2HR3 OpenStack Notification Listener
# Copyright 2018 Yahoo Japan Corporation
# K2HR3 is K2hdkc based Resource and Roles and policy Rules, gathers
# common management information for the cloud.
# K2HR3 can dynamically manage information as "who", "what", "operate".
# These are stored as roles, resources, policies in K2hdkc, and the
# client system can dynamically read and modify these information.
# For the full copyright and license information, please view
# the licenses file that was distributed with this source code.
# AUTHOR:   Hirotaka Wakabayashi
# CREATE:   Tue Sep 11 2018
"""Parses a config file and stores configurations."""
from __future__ import (absolute_import, division, print_function,

import logging
from pathlib import Path
from typing import List, Set, Dict, Tuple, Optional  # noqa: pylint: disable=unused-import

from oslo_config import cfg  # type: ignore
from k2hr3_osnl.exceptions import K2hr3ConfError

LOG = logging.getLogger(__name__)

[docs]class K2hr3Conf(cfg.ConfigOpts): # public class instantiated in __main__ r"""Parses and stores configurations. This class is a wrapper of oslo_config.cfg.ConfigOpts class. Simple usage: >>> from k2hr3_osnl.exceptions import K2hr3ConfError >>> from k2hr3_osnl.cfg import K2hr3Conf >>> from pathlib import Path ... try: ... conf = K2hr3Conf(Path('etc/k2hr3_osnl.conf')) ... print(conf.oslo_messaging_notifications.event_type) ... except K2hr3ConfError as error: ... print('{}'.format(error)) ... ^port\.delete\.end$ """ def __init__(self, path: Path) -> None: """Initializes a K2hr3Conf object. :param path: configuration file path :type path: Path :raises K2hr3ConfError: if invalid augment or file parse error. """ if isinstance(path, Path) is False: raise K2hr3ConfError('Path expected, not {}'.format( type(path).__name__)) if path.exists() is False: raise K2hr3ConfError('path must exist, not {}'.format(path)) if path.is_file() is False: raise K2hr3ConfError( 'path must be a regular file, not {}'.format(path)) try: with # try reading LOG.debug('successfully opened.') except OSError as error: raise K2hr3ConfError( 'path must be a readable regular file, not {}'.format(error)) self._path = path # The path is valid and a Path object is immutable. try: super(K2hr3Conf, self).__init__() # calls the oslo_config init. except Exception as error: raise K2hr3ConfError('initialization error') from error try: self._parse_config() # can raise K2hr3ConfError if errors occur. LOG.debug('cfg initialized, %s.', str(path)) except K2hr3ConfError as error: raise error def _parse_config(self) -> bool: """Parses a configration file. A protected method called in the __init__(). You can implement your own _parse_config in your own class which is derived from K2hr3Conf class if you have own your configuration. We handle only exceptions we know. :returns: True if success. Otherwise an exception raises. :raises K2hr3ConfError: if errors occur. """ assert isinstance(self._path, Path) oslo = cfg.OptGroup( name='oslo_messaging_notifications', title='OsloGroupSettings') self.register_group(oslo) oslo_opts = [ cfg.StrOpt( 'event_type', default=r'^port\.delete\.end$', help='event_type'), cfg.StrOpt( 'publisher_id', default='^network.*$', help='publisher_id'), cfg.DictOpt('context', default=None, help='context'), cfg.DictOpt('metadata', default=None, help='metadata'), cfg.DictOpt('payload', default=None, help='payload'), cfg.StrOpt( 'transport_url', default='rabbit://guest:guest@', help='transport_url'), cfg.StrOpt('topic', default='notifications', help='topic'), cfg.StrOpt('exchange', default='neutron', help='exchange'), cfg.StrOpt('executor', default='threading', help='executor'), cfg.StrOpt('pool', default='k2hr3_osnl', help='pool'), cfg.BoolOpt( 'allow_requeue', default=True, help='requeue if listener fails to process a msg properly') ] self.register_opts(oslo_opts, group=oslo) k2hr3 = cfg.OptGroup(name='k2hr3', title='K2hr3GroupSettings') self.register_group(k2hr3) k2hr3_opts = [ cfg.StrOpt( 'api_url', default='https//localhost/v1/role', help='k2hr3 api Url'), cfg.IntOpt( 'timeout_seconds', default=30, help='connection and timeout in second'), cfg.IntOpt('max_retries', default=5, help='max retry count'), cfg.IntOpt( 'retry_interval_seconds', default=60, help='interval seconds to wait until next retry'), cfg.BoolOpt( 'allow_self_signed_cert', default=False, help='allow self-signed certificate'), cfg.BoolOpt( 'requeue_on_error', default=False, help='requeue messages or not in case of errors in listener') ] self.register_opts(k2hr3_opts, group=k2hr3) self.register_opt( cfg.StrOpt('log_file', default='sys.stderr', help='log file')) self.register_opt( cfg.StrOpt( 'debug_level', default='info', choices=('debug', 'info', 'warn', 'error', 'notset'), help='debug level')) self.register_opt( cfg.StrOpt( 'libs_debug_level', default='warn', choices=('debug', 'info', 'warn', 'error'), help='log level of dependent libs')) try: # ConfigFileAction returns nothing. # self(['--config-file', str(self._path)]) LOG.debug('%s successfully parsed', str(self._path)) except (cfg.ConfigFileParseError, cfg.ConfigFileValueError) as error: raise K2hr3ConfError('parse error, {}'.format(error)) from error return True
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