
In this chapter I will explain how to configure the k2hr3_osnl. The k2hr3_osnl primarily consists of three parts of processing.

  1. Listening to OpenStack service backend

  2. Parsing messages from OpenStack service backend to extract an instance-id

  3. Calling the k2hr3 api with the instance-id

k2hr3_osnl.conf defines the k2hr3_osnl behavior. You can get the path by two commands.

$ sudo pip3 show -f k2hr3_osnl
Name: k2hr3-osnl
Location: /usr/local/lib/python3.5/dist-packages
Requires: oslo.messaging, oslo.config
$ python -c "
> import os;
> print(os.path.abspath('/usr/local/lib/python3.5/dist-packages/../../../etc/k2hr3/k2hr3_osnl.conf'));
> "

/usr/local/etc/k2hr3/k2hr3_osnl.conf is it in this case.

Please note all information here I describe is based on OpenStack Rocky.

Listening to OpenStack service backend

The following 3 parameters define the listener behavior: transport_url, topic and exchange in k2hr3_osnl.conf.

The transport_url specifies the address of OpenStack service backend and how to connect with it. oslo.messaging describes the syntax:


The transport value specifies the notification backend as one of amqp, RabbitMQ, Apache Kafka and other backend. The default backend is RabbitMQ. For Instance, assuming the backend service is RabbitMQ , the file might contain:

transport_url = rabbit://guest:guestpass@

The setting above means:

  • rabbitmq is a backend server.

  • user name is guest.

  • password is guestpass.

  • address is localhost.

  • port is 5672.

Please note username and password is required for security reason. RabbitMQ User Management describes how to add a username and password.

The topic parameter identifies where a message should be sent or what messages the k2hr3_osnl is listening for. The OpenStack services emit messages by the oslo.messaging Notifier which requires topic(s). A default value of topic(s) is notifications which is the same with the k2hr3_osnl’s default topic value. An example of what the file might contain is:

topic = notifications

Please note the topic must be the same between OpenStack services and the k2hr3_osnl, because it is a part of subscriber queue name in OpenStack backend that the k2hr3_osnl listens to. So please remember you would need update it if OpenStack service administrators can change it the other value.

The final parameter is exchange. This parameter represents a container within which each service’s topics are scoped. OpenStack services register the exchange when the send notifications by calling the set_transport_defaults function in oslo.messaging. The default value of exchange is ‘openstack’.

What I have explained in this chapter:

  • k2hr3_osnl connect with OpenStack service backend by transport_url.

  • OpenStack services publish notifications to the configured exchange with a configured topic.

  • The default topic name is notifications. It can be changed.

  • The exchange is almost same with the OpenStack service publishes the notification message.

Parsing a message

A message format depends on your OpenStack service settings. Currently the k2hr3_osnl can parse the following 3 kinds of message.

  1. a message from OpenStack neutron

  2. a versioned message from OpenStack nova

  3. a non-versioned message from OpenStack nova

I will explain them one by one.

Parsing a message from OpenStack neutron

We assume the following message from OpenStack neutron.

    "event_type": "port.delete.end",
    "message_id": "76c35877-9d0c-4faf-b4e5-7c51828f37a0",
    "payload": {
        "device_id": "12345678-1234-5678-1234-567812345678",
        "device_owner": "compute:nova",
        "extra_dhcp_opts": [],
        "fixed_ips": [
                "ip_address": "",
                "subnet_id": "subnet01-ffff-ffff-ffff-ffffffffffff"
                "ip_address": "2001:db8::6",
                "subnet_id": "subnet02-ffff-ffff-ffff-ffffffffffff"
    "priority": "INFO",
    "publisher_id": "network.hostname.domain_name",
    "timestamp": "2018-11-25 09:00:06.842727"

The event_type represents a event which OpenStack services send notification about and the publisher_id identifies who published the message. Let’s see the ‘oslo_messaging_notifications’ group configuration to catch this message.

event_type = ^port\.delete\.end$
publisher_id = ^network.*$
transport_url = rabbit://user:pass@
topic = notifications
exchange = neutron

The event_type and publisher_id define white rules that means k2hr3_osnl only parse the messages that match the filter’s rules. If your Openstack neutron emits a same message with this example, you can use the same configure with this example.

Please note we assume the OpenStack neutron use the messagingv2 driver. If you don’t know much about the driver what your OpenStack neutron uses, Please ask your OpenStack system administrator or investigate your /etc/neutron/neutron.conf. Here is my neutron.conf setting.

# From oslo.messaging
# The Drivers(s) to handle sending notifications. Possible values are
# messaging, messagingv2, routing, log, test, noop (multi valued)
# Deprecated group/name - [DEFAULT]/notification_driver
driver = messagingv2

What I have explained in this chapter:

  • k2hr3_osnl only listen to the message matches with defined in the configuration.

  • Regular expression in filters is allowed.

Parsing versioned messages from OpenStack nova

In this chapter I will explain how to configure the k2hr3_osnl to parse messages from OpenStack nova. When we tested the k2hr3_osnl with OpenStack neutron with the driver configuration was not messagingv2, the k2hr3_osnl could not get any notification messages we expected. If you met with same situation, please try the configuration in this chapter.

We assume the following message from OpenStack nova.

    "event_type" : "instance.delete.end",
    "payload": {
        "": {
            "action_initiator_project": "project_string",
            "block_devices": [
                    "": {
                        "volume_id": "volumeid-ffff-ffff-ffff-ffffffffffff"
                    "": "BlockDevicePayload",
                    "nova_object.namespace": "nova",
                    "nova_object.version": "1.0"
        "host": "",
        "uuid": "12345678-1234-5678-1234-567812345678"
    "priority": "INFO",
    "publisher_id" : "",

Here is a sample oslo_messaging_notifications group configuration k2hr3_osnl can read the message above.

event_type = ^instance\.delete\.end$
publisher_id = ^nova-compute:.*$
transport_url = rabbit://user:pass@
topic = versioned_notifications
exchange = nova

You will recognize all items other than transport_url are different with neutron’s case! Each OpenStack service defines its own event_type. FYI: OpenStack nova defines many event types.

What I have explained in this chapter:

List of configuration items

Settings in the configuration file define the k2hr3_osnl behavior except for loglevel. Loglevel augments override loglevel settings in configuration. If you want to change the loglevel only, you need not to change configuration file. use -d option.

$ k2hr3_osnl --help
usage: k2hr3_osnl [-h] [-c CONFIG_FILE] [-d {debug,info,warn,error,critical}]
                  [-l {debug,info,warn,error,critical}] [-f LOG_FILE] [-v]

An oslo.messaging notification listener for k2hr3.

optional arguments:
  -h, --help            show this help message and exit
  -c CONFIG_FILE, --config-file CONFIG_FILE
                        config file path
  -d {debug,info,warn,error,critical}
                        debug level. default: defined in the config_file
  -l {debug,info,warn,error,critical}
                        dependent libraries loglevel. default: defined in the
  -f LOG_FILE           log file path. default: defined in the config_file
  -v                    show program's version number and exit

The configuration file consists of 3 parts.

  • oslo_messaging_notifications

    configurations for the oslo_messaging library.

  • k2hr3

    configurations for the K2HR3 system.


    the others.

The configuration file syntax is the “.INI” format. Here is a default sample configuration.

debug_level = error
log_file = sys.stderr
libs_debug_level = warning

event_type = ^port\.delete\.end$
publisher_id = ^network.*$
transport_url = rabbit://user:pass@
topic = notifications
exchange = neutron
executor = threading
pool = k2hr3_osnl
allow_requeue = True

api_url = https://localhost/v1/role
timeout_seconds = 30
retries = 3
retry_interval_seconds = 60
allow_self_signed_cert = False
requeue_on_error = False



logging level. Each of debug, info, warning or error. (default: warning).


destination of logging. (default: sys.stderr)


log level. (default: warning)



event type of the notification message(default: ^port.delete.end$).


publisher id of the notification message(default: ^network.*$)


transport url(default: rabbit://guest:guest@


topic of the notification message(default: notifications)


exchange of the notification message(default: neutron)


executor of the listener(default: threading)

pool n pool identification of message queue(default: k2hr3_osnl)


allow requeue if error occurred(default: True)



K2HR3 WebAPI Url(default: https://localhost/v1/role).


connection timeout in second(default: 30)


retries(default: 3)


interval(default: 60)


certification(default: True)


error(default: True)